Silae sensor FAQs

Digital Twins of your machines

Silae lets you auto-create digital twins of all your existing desks on the cloud using our proprietary, patent-protected IOT sensors (Silae Essentials only).

Silae sensors are machine agnostic devices that connect externally to the machine. They capture machine vitals by monitoring the electric signature of the machine.

This helps you quickly identify issues in real-time and immediately fix them.

Silae's Digital Twin Setup

Silae's Digital Twin solution is designed around these elements:

Silae uses these to map streaming IOT sensor data and create a Digital Twin for your factory & operational setup.

More about Silae Digital Twins

Which makes and models do Silae Sensors work with?

Silae sensors work with sewing machines of all major manufacturers. We have design parameters for different makes and models. If you have a regular brand of machines, Silae will work out of the box without the need for configuration.

In case you have a special brand of machines, Silae sensors can quickly be calibrated to work with them at no additional cost. Just let us know when you're planning the setup.

How long does it take to create the Digital Twin?

Silae Sensors can be setup as fast as 10 minutes per desk. For a medium size factory, this means that your entire factory setup can be done over a weekend.

Silae sits between the power supply and machine, so there is no change to your existing electical network.

What do I have to provide for the setup?

For installation and usage, we will need:

What is the hand off process after the setup?

Once our installation support team sets up the sensors on machines, we will run initial diagnostic tests to ensure we are able to stream data and check initial machine mapping.

Post this, we will do a quick handover on simple processes like creating an Operation Bulletin, Assigning Machines to Lines, etc. for your supervisory team.

Our customer success team will support you through the first month of transition and help smooth out any usage concerns.

What other tools should I expect from the Silae team?

Depending on the package you choose, our team will also recommend:

What should I do if a machine with a Silae sensor has a breakdown?

Each Silae sensor is uniquely paired to a machine. In case the machine breaks down, please contact our customer support to unpair the sensor. Our team will help you pair it to a new machine.

Do not try to pair a sensor to a new machine yourself. Silae needs the machine details for the sensor to operate. Without this, all calculations for your factory may be affected. 

What is the guarantee you provide for Silae sensors?

Our sensors are guaranteed to operate for a duration of 5 years. 

However, any tampering with the sensor or pairing to a new machine without informing Silae team will void the warranty.